

A Common Lawyer Comments

Times are US Eastern Time.

  • Patriots' Soapbox 11am-1pm Saturday; 10-noon Sunday
    Copy and paste https.// into your browser to connect with the program
  • Liberty Works Radio Network 2-3am; 3-4pm; 7-8pm Monday through Friday
  • Roger Sayles "Radio Ranch" 11am-1pm Friday( or Telephone Dial-in: [Please enable JavaScript.]); or

Online chat share their thoughts about Biblical teachings  that Brent shares:

Walkanon : Brent makes more sense to me than anyone else I've listened to
Shope : Yes we love Brent. Tells it like it is
Walkanon : Above board he is 

Rovie3 : @Walkanon - ditto me too. Amazing & always extemporaneous  
 jonlester : This makes 3 weeks I've been coming back for Mr Winters Sat and Sun