
Juror Handbook

When a Juror Ought to Say "No" to the Government

Juror_Book_Cover.jpgBy Brent Allan Winters

98 pages

Published by Inn-Church Press Ministry (IPM)

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As goes the Jury, so goes the country—but not because the Juror is a representative of the People. He is not. He neither owes any party nor bears any duty to follow the will of any other, but to follow only truth—as God gives him light. To be sure, American freedom has always depended upon the People. But more to the purpose, American freedom relies on that subset of the People called the Jury. America has not a government of men but of law—but not just any law: America is a government of common law, of which the heartbeat is the Jury.

"Without the Jury, our Constitution's protection of our fundamental rights becomes nothing more than ink on paper. In order for freedom to flourish, each American must become aware of the juror's rights of responsibility."

—Brent Allan Winters

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