
Excellence of the Common Law

In Light of History, Nature & Scripture

Excellence of the Common LawBy Brent Allan Winters

958 pages

Published by Inn-Church Press Ministry (IPM)

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Throughout 958 pages, citing the most ancient sources, Brent traces our common law (now confined to a half dozen countries) from its roots in the laws of Nature and of Nature's God and also the civil law (now covering our globe) from its roots in Babylon, through Egypt, back to Babylon, then to Pergamos, Jerusalem, Rome, and on into the entire world. Excellence of the Common Law indexes over 1000 Bible references.

"Excellence of the Common Law, says nothing new of our common law but much that is old—some that is forgotten and some that has been lost. And if our common law is lost, enjoyment of our freedoms will be lost also."

—Brent Allan Winters

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"One of the 20 Best Civil Law Books"

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What Readers Say

Amazon Reviews

5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on February 17, 2021

This book is easy reading for anyone interested in the subject of Common Law. I now have a handle of the meaning that I won't forget.

5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2020

Received this as a Christmas gift and has connected the dots for me.

5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2019

This is a must-read book -- should be part of our school system. After I read this book, I felt as though I had completed an entire study course. If you ever want to learn the history of The Law of the City and the history of Common Law, this is a must read book. To read this book is empowering.

5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2019

Very interesting history and the common law needs to be rejuvenated today!

david w.
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2017

This is probably the most informative book I have ever read in my life. It is not light reading and is researched and noted on each page with history and chronology that I have seen nowhere else. Should be a required learning book for all lawyers, judges, and any officers serving and for the common man and woman knowing what the common law is versus what is pitched around and bandied about as common law is a real eye opener. The reasons for many things going on today will become crystal clear upon taking the time to read this book.

Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2016

This will refresh our minds on the principles upon which our country was founded. It is good to have as a reference as we become more global.

5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2016

This book is the best book I have ever bought (actually received as a gift). It is a completely fascinating account of historical events as related to religion, scripture, law, man, humankind and the push of the Roman Justinian and their code of civil law in order to do away with God's law, the law of Nature, and maintain the status quo. This book has not left me disappointed even for a second and has kept my attention thru the 310 pages out of almost 1000 pages that I have read so far. You will be intrigued, fascinated, hopeful, educated, angered, and ponder in disbelief. This book is pure knowledge and information. If you want to know what is really going on in the world he tells you all about the two antagonistic forces at play here. You will discover a new realm of history they never taught you .. For their own good!

Other Reviews

We would all be well served to read and study Excellence of the Common by by Brent Allan Winters. This book is as important to us today as Sidney's Discourses were to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. It is the most important book I've read since I rediscovered the Bible. If a person has read Mr. Winters's book, he can rightly claim to be educated.

—M. Woodman (Iowa)

Enjoyed Excellence of the Common Law so much I read it twice!

—L. Bailey

This book is marvelous! Gents, Making great progress in less than two weeks with the book "Excellence of the Common Law"… It's concise, laid out very well, and packed with information that no one knows about today! Brent is a profound, well read and brilliant man. Some authors can sum-up a whole book in just a few sentences. Brent has summed up John Wyclif on pg. 274 beautifully! This book will be a treasure. Did I mention the footnotes are excellent? I'm eating-up this book. Outstanding job Mr. Brent, it's getting dogged-out, similar to dog-eared from the markings already!! A bit more pricey but this work is a treasure. The footnotes are excellent.

—Regards, Edwin (Virginia)

Citing the most ancient sources, Brent Winters traces our country’s common law (now confined to a half dozen countries) from its roots in the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God and the civil law (now covering our globe) from its roots in Babylon, through Egypt, back to Babylon, then to Pergamos, Jerusalem, Rome, and Revolutionary France and thence on into the entire world.

An absolutely invaluable, eminently readable, and essential reference regarding the Constitutional law of the United States of America.

Over 1000 Bible references indexed. Contents Include: Introduction (35 pages); Civil Law: Origin & Growth (121 pages); Common Law: Origin & Growth (251 pages); Common Law & Scripture (129 pages); Common-Law & Civil Law Contrasted (169 pages); Conclusion (29 pages); Appendices (139 pages); Bibliography (13 pages); Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek Word & Phrase Index (9 pages); Scripture Index (11 pages); Word Index (37 pages).

—Laura (from an undisclosed location in the American Bible-Belt)

I have been reading your book with interest and enjoyment. As a law professor it is giving me knowledge and insights that I have not obtained elsewhere. Thank you for your work.

—Clay T. (law professor)

I keep Excellence of the Common Law on my bed stand for easy reference. And am again encouraged to know that I am not alone in my preoccupation with the first principles of the common law.

—Charles R. (law professor)

[A] rich feast of information [is] in the following highly recommended textbook: Excellence of the Common Law by Brent Allan Winters . . . [I]t is the most readable, responsible, and enlightening book I have ever read concerning the Common Law, and it very helpfully compares and contrasts the Common Law against the sea-going Civil Law. It is also written in a way that is careful to explain legalese...that laymen can easily understand. Anyone who wishes to participate in and restore the American Common Law Court System as a Justice or other Member of the Court—Clerks, Bailiffs, Sheriffs, Coroners—should read this book from cover to cover. God bless Brent Winters.

—Ann (Minnesota)

I'm only about 150 pages into "The Excellence of the Common Law" and am truly captivated. I love reading your book. I am SO grateful for all the work you put into this book! I could never accumulate such far reaching knowledge. But through your work, I am becoming familiar with what has been kept from the public for too long. Thank You for this work!

—Terry (Colorado)

If every Christian reads this book and teaches it to their children, we will make good strides back to liberty. As it is now, Evangelical Christians are anointing Nimrod as protector and turning their backs on God. Read the book and you will understand the parallels between now and when the Babylonian settlers chose to be dominated by Nimrod for security.

—Jerry W. (Texas, attorney at law)

[Excellence of the Common Law] … will rock your world.

—Thomas A. (Texas A&M)

Excellence of the Common Law has enabled me to connect dots that I have been trying to connect for decades.

—Larry P. (Virginia)

Bought your book on the Common Law and just finished it. Thank you for writing it!!!! You have helped dispel so many misconceptions that I had concerning the common law - I am forever grateful! Glad to read someone who knows what they are talking about, whose interests in history, Bible and law are in sync with my orientation. Thanks so much.

—James (South Texas)

One of the most profound books I have read in years. This is a book of history, of wisdom, of hope, of truth, freedom, dignity, justice and honour. I highly recommend this to all my friends, Christian or not … Canadians, Americans, English, Indians, Australians.

—Laura (Canada)

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